Wednesday 28 May 2014

Top 2 Styles of Calgary Wedding Photography?

There are many people out there who believe that wedding photography is not a mainstream photography and hence often opt for a novice to take the pictures. The result is often disastrous! Sometimes it is the moments that are not well captured and at other times, the final rendition is like a hazy and noisy portrait. So what is the truth? The fact that most people are unaware of is that a Calgary wedding photographer has to study photojournalism and also participate in a project of their choice to be awarded with the necessary certification.

In fact, a wedding photographer Calgary can offer you an interesting and innovative mix of several styles of photography depending on your requirement. Let’s look at the top 2 styles.
  • Style#1: Portrait photography
    Portrait photography is a type of photography that has been in existence since the use of the first cameras in the mid 19th century. In portrait photography, the art lies in using different types of lighting used on a subject's face. Some of the common types of lighting used include three-point lighting, fill-light, key light or main light, Accent-light, butterfly lighting, and background lighting among others. Although, portraits is a field in itself, most top wedding photographer Calgary can use this art to create constructionist romantic portraits or even silhouettes.
  • Style#2: Candid Photography
    A candid photograph refers to a picture that has been taken without the knowledge of the subject and it highlights an action or emotion that is not posed. A professional Calgary wedding photographer can use their skills, knowledge, and equipment to capture those moments that we normally would miss out on. These moments really matter during a wedding as it helps in capturing the mood, the emotions, the behaviours and mannerisms of a single or multiple subjects.